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What is it that makes computer and mobile games so addicting?

Are you game? What makes computer and mobile games so addicting?

I still remember the first game on mobile that I got into. In the days of Nokia 3410 mobiles, one of the device's most appealing features (aside from being indestructible) was playing SNAKE. 

Many hours were spent playing this game because truth be told, phones back then weren't as advanced as they are now, and that was one of the best features of the handset!

I do possess certain addictive traits in my personality, which is why I will naturally be drawn to certain things and be immediately enthralled. However, opposite to that, I get bored very quickly!

What is it that makes computer and mobile games so addicting?

Candy Crush was my last mobile game addiction. It consumed a lot of my free time, and the frustration I felt when I was stuck on a game drove me to the edge of madness at times! In the modern age, technology is integrated into our daily and social lives.

What exactly is it in these games that get us hooked?

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It may help with anxiety disorders as well as other mental health issues.

Certain people have stated that playing games can aid in anxiety-related disorders because it provides a different perception of reality. Dr Chandler mentions that people suffering from anxiety disorders are often attracted to the distractions of games on mobile devices.

For some, playing video games may bring a sense of relaxation, making it more appealing and a sense of peace and tranquillity when they play. 

It soothes the senses.

It's not surprising that video game developers use bright colours and high-quality audio effects to lure gamers into a world in which their senses are soothed. 

It's not an accident that the colours used in games are created to look appealing, which is why they make you want to play. Games provide a full sensory experience that could not be experienced in everyday life.

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Games may be highly competitive.

There's nothing wrong with healthy competition. And with the variety of games available today with multiplayer options, it is possible to play with friends and family and meet people across the World! This not only gives individuals the desire to succeed, but it could also help them connect with friends.

The games can be rational.

Most games require challenges to be completed to advance to the next stage or go through an adventure or story to progress across the board. It is common for games to combine puzzles, problem-solving, and out-of-the-box thinking that can be exciting.

Games can tell stories.

Some games are interactive, as with watching a movie or reading book films, players can be immersed in this story and even feel as if they are part of the story and have a role to assume. They can investigate and influence how they tell the tale. They can even explore questions about morality.

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Physical activity can be improved through games.

Certain games are said to help improve hand-eye coordination.


Gaming can trigger a reaction that releases dopamine (the pleasure hormone). At the same time, this can be a pleasant feeling, but those who have experienced this sensation once, as addicts of all kinds, will pursue the same feeling for a long time.

It could affect people who are "present" with other people.

The game can transport us from being in the Real World to a universe that isn't real. If the lines blur and escapism becomes a frantic pursuit, This could be risky, especially when people begin to rationalize the obsession.

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The games can cause a loss of time and

Dr Lisa Strohman, a clinical psychologist, author, and co-founder of the Digital Citizen Academy, notes that the negative consequences of excessive gaming can be seen within your relationship. She noted that she had observed an excessive focus on gaming, which could result in a lack of respect for relationships and commitment to responsibilities.

Sleep disturbance or sleep deprivation

Excessive exposure to entertainment screens can cause sleep problems and trigger vivid nightmares or dreams!

They could be self-medicating and can trigger anxiety.

While mobile games may be useful in helping to reduce anxiety, it's crucial to remember that they aren't any cure. 

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